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From Single to Couple
Dating & Relationship Advice/Coaching

Relationship Coach FAQs


Hello! I am Mila Smith, a certified Dating & Relationship Coach.


Having honed my relationship management capabilities in the corporate world for over 20 years, I now apply my skills to consult men and women in the field about which I’m absolutely passionate to help them find the love they deserve and build a happy healthy relationship.


I have put this page together to offer detailed answers to various frequently asked questions. If you're short of time, click here for a brief outline of 1:1 dating and relationship coaching, and make sure you check out my media coverage...




Most importantly, what can I do for you?


Throughout my life, I’ve been surrounded by women and men suffering the pain of break-ups/divorce, unsure of which direction to take, or getting increasingly frustrated with “rocky relationships” and the modern dating scene. I used to be one of those people and I know how valuable independent and qualified relationship advice can be.


It's common practice to turn to career counsellors when looking for a new job, or to financial advisors to help us look after our money. We attend parenting classes, hire business and fitness coaches, however, quite often very little or no thought goes into choosing the right life partner despite the criticality of this decision for your future (and possibly that of your children).


That is why I am here to help you avoid the pitfalls and find lasting happiness. Working with me you can:


  • detach from your emotional baggage and feel excited about love again…

  • learn to identify red flags and incompatible or unavailable people...

  • improve your self-esteem and bring out the best version of you...

  • discover how to find an ideal partner, nurture a new relationship…

  • and much more...


If you’re planning to run a marathon, what do you do? You arrange training with a qualified coach even though, technically, you're capable of running. When it comes to dating and relationships, you can enlist the same kind of help you would receive if you were trying to accomplish something in any other pursuit at which you aren’t an expert.


So, do you really want to do it right this time round?

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I cover both areas, yet I prefer the latter definition because “relationship” is a much broader term. It includes the most important relationship you will encounter in your lifetime: your relationship with YOURSELF.​ Once you've mastered that relationship, everything else will fall into place, including a relationship with your potential significant other.​


Dating is only one of the components of relationship coaching albeit a very important one. In my opinion, dating coaching should be seen as part of relationship coaching.  


​Both coaching and therapy use ongoing one-to-one confidential interactions; both work with clients who want to change and/or achieve something. However, therapy tends to focus more on overcoming past trauma and issues; understanding how you came to be the way you are.


Typically, a relationship coach identifies and describes current problematic behaviours or situations, but tends to focus on results, actions and goals which could be short-term or long-term. While psychology explains human mind and behaviour and identifies challenges, coaching offers you practical strategies to overcome them.


Nevertheless, my methods are strictly science and research based: no pseudo-science or crystal ball gazing, no false claims.


If I see aspects of your personality or a deep underlying trauma, which only a psychotherapist can attempt to fix, I'll refer you accordingly. Important note: marriage counselling or couples therapy is a specific area of therapy - I don't work with couples.


My motto is: “The best time to work on a relationship is before it begins”...


What do I mean by that? When people fall into relationships blindly and end up married or even with children before really getting to know their partner, they often discover they aren't well suited, and the struggle begins...


I like a metaphor with Cinderella’s glass slipper: if it doesn’t fit, it’s practically impossible to make it fit no matter how hard you try. Sadly, this is when many people find their relationship is falling apart. Only the wisest and the most patient couples manage to overcome those challenges and stay together. Sometimes, when there's betrayal involved, partners fail to regain trust in their relationship, and it deteriorates beyond repair.


Back to my point: you find yourself in an advantageous position while you’re still single and unattached because you have the opportunity to start with a clean slate and focus on finding the best possible partner and building a great relationship.




  • You're divorced (or in the process of getting divorced or separating from your long-term partner). Whether it was a welcome change or a shock, you're likely to be at the mercy of mixed emotions ranging from grief and hate to excitement. Life certainly doesn’t stop at 40, 50 or 60! No matter how unsettled you might be feeling at this moment, rest assured, you can find love and happiness again and reinvent yourself in the process...


  • You're a single parent, you had your fingers burned in the past, you're juggling work, family and a very fragile relationship with your ex (the mother or the father of your children). You want to be happy again but you're terrified of upsetting the balance and have no idea how to approach dating...


  • You were previously never interested in a serious relationship or perhaps, you were too focused on your career, and now it feels like everyone around you has settled down, while you're left out, looking at happy couples and wondering if you've missed the trick because you're finally ready to share it all with someone special...


  • You might be lacking confidence and self-esteem due to whatever underlying challenges. Whether you are only considering dipping your toes in the treacherous waters of dating, or have been doing it, unsuccessfully, for a while and feel like giving up, you must be wondering why it’s not working out for you...


If any of this sounds familiar, I’ve got great news! I can help you transform your love life and will share a roadmap to a happy healthy relationship. Given my vast experience working with people from all walks of life and various cultural backgrounds, you can always count on empathy, understanding and meaningful insights.

happily married couple
certified relationship and dating coach


I can only speak for myself… It works 100% if you have an open mind and are prepared to re-examine your approach. It's not likely to work, if you think you already know everything and refuse to step outside your comfort zone.


There’s a lot of conflicting dating and relationship advice out there, but you can be confident in my skills and expertise as I’ve been trained by one of the world’s most trusted relationship experts. Our science based relationship and dating coaching methods are built on a ground-breaking 30-year study of marriage, divorce and new love. It offers proven practical strategies to find and keep healthy relationships. *


It’s not about finding just any partner and getting involved just for the sake of being in a relationship – anyone can do that. It’s about understanding, and sometimes rebuilding yourself, discovering who your ideal partner is, finding and keeping them. What would you give to be in a happy, secure relationship which, for once, doesn’t feel like pulling teeth or walking on eggshells?


​​​​​* By Dr. Terri Orbuch Ph.D. aka The Love Doctor®


​You can spend months trawling the internet for relationship advice and dating strategies and try to apply the findings to your situation, which may or may not work. Or, you can make a relatively small investment, which pales into insignificance compared to the rewards of a loving, healthy relationship.​


I offer a FREE confidential 30-minute introductory session in which I asses your situation and explain how we can work together.





A further 55-minute session will cost £130 or €150. I can offer some general relationship advice and first date advice, however, please don’t expect to have all your challenges addressed in a single session...


I have a special offer for a set of five weekly sessions which, in my opinion, is the minimum a client would need to achieve their goals. This block of five sessions will cost £550, so you’ll be saving about 15% as well. However, if you're unsure, why not start with 3 sessions at £350?


Take charge of your love life and get in touch today:​





You’re still fed up with fake dating profiles and meeting unsuitable or unavailable people; you still want solutions and a great relationship…


"From Single to Couple" is a step-by-step “DIY” dating and relationship advice video course created by my husband and me to offer everyone a super affordable alternative. The course is more generic, and parts of it may not apply. However, being a couple is our secret weapon and a unique advantage giving you both male and female insights at the same time.


Get all 15 video sessions for as little as the price of a night out and watch or listen at your pace from the comfort of your home or while commuting…


So, are you ready to stop stumbling in the dark, unveil the best strategies and a shortcut to happiness​ for the rest of your life?​





You’ll find snippets of helpful dating and relationship advice if you follow us on Facebook and Instagram: this is our “Love and Relationship A-Z” series.


Good luck!


Mila x

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